DIY Pine Soap Recipe

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Pine soap is amazing and a great addition to your home. the best thing is it is 100% natural and safe. So, here is how to make your own Pine Soap at home.


  • ⅔ cup of coconut oil
  • ⅔ cup of olive oil
  • ⅔ cup of grapeseed/sunflower/almond oil
  • 100% Sodium hydroxide (lye) – 100g
  • ¾ cup cool distilled water
  • 3 tbsp Pine essential oil
  • Some dried or fresh Pine needles (chopped)
  • Soap Mold

How to Make Pine Soap:

Step 1: Measure Iye(100% sodium hydroxide) and slowly pour it into water. Slowly stir as the water as you pour sodium hydroxide. Do not stand too close to the solution to avoid fumes. Once the water is clear put it away for a while.

Step 2: Put the three oils in a container and melt them together using a double boiler or microwave. Wait for the mixture to cool down to 95 – 105 degrees Celcius. This is very important as it defines the texture of your soap.

Step 3: Once both the mixtures are at the required temperature, slowly add Iye mixture to oil mixture and keep stirring as you do so. Keep stirring by hand for about 5 minutes and then use an immersion blender till the solution becomes thick. Once the mixture starts to look a bit like vanilla pudding, stop mixing.

Step 4: Add Chopped up pine needles and pine essential oil to the mixture. Stir vigorously and pour it into a mold of your choice. Wrap with plastic wrap and cover with a towel.

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Step 5: After 24 hours, check if the soap is still soft. If so, then let it sit for a few more hours until it gets solid.

Step 6: Take the soap out of the mold and let it sit in the air preferably on the baking rack (to make sure all sides get air) for a week so that it cures.

Step 7: Once the soap is cured place the extra soaps wrapped in wax paper or airtight container to avoid getting greasy or dirty from the moisture.

And there you go, you have your DIY Pine soap ready. So easy, isn’t it?